Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sneaky Make-up Artist

Autumn is sneaky. And quiet. And mischievous. Not a good combo for the Mommy who gets to clean up afterwards. Twice this week she has gotten into my mascara. The first time I had left my purse in her reach (ie, counter) and got to clean off the black marks from her tummy. I caught her before it had become a HUGE mess, although she had dumped all the contents of my purse out. So I thought I would thwart any further mascara mishaps and move my mascara to a higher location.

Today I caught her sitting in the bathroom sink, with half of the medicine cabinet emptied, mascara all over her face, tummy, legs, arms, the sink, mirror, and a few of the things she had pulled out.

She got to go to time out, and gave me nasty looks while I took pictures. I took a minute to breathe before I sold her on eBay.


  1. your kids are too resourceful. you really don't have many places where you children cannot reach. save these pictures under 'autumn's blackmail photos

  2. I have mine under lock and key, literally. My Rae doesn't know when to keep out and will go to great lengths to sneak into the makeup.
