Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cuties in the Strawberry Patch

Friday I had the opportunity to take the kids to pick some strawberries. A friend of my momma had picked all they could stand and offered to her to come get some. She called me and asked if I'd like to go pick strawberries and she'd teach me how to turn them into her yummy oh-so-delicious jam! "Done deal," I said!
So I gathered up the kiddos and went to pick away! Autumn tried picking them herself, but was not very thrilled when she ended up eating a green one or two. So she decided to eat from the bucket! She was so so messy, but she got really mad when I put the bucket out of her reach!
The boys were happy to help, til they got the green light to jump on the trampoline! Then they were offered popsicles, which Alex said made it the best day of "his life!"
So mostly it was me picking and Autumn devouring, but it was fun. I came away with a 4 gallon bucket full, but I was told that I left too many ripe ones and that I hadn't picked enough! Guess I'll have to go pick more.
By the way Mom, remember you promised!

No this is not Anthony in pink, but boy do they look alike!


  1. good times. I love that making Alex's day is so easy: trampoline, popsicles and time spent at someone else's farm. looking forward to that jam! I'm gonna have to hide it from Hyrum, though...
