Friday, February 12, 2010

Nap Time Scrimmage

Sometimes I sit back and think how crazy it must seem to others that I enjoy roller derby, getting knocked off my feet, or slammed into a wall, just to get up and keep going. Well, today I had an epiphany! Nap time is 10 times worse. Not only am I battling against a willful 4 year old, but a stubborn 2 year old copy cat, and a random sleeper 5 month old. Ugh....I feel like waving the white flag just thinking about it!
Alex doesn't like to take naps anymore, but if I can get him to lay still with his eyes closed for 15 min, *poof* he's out!
Anthony doesn't go to sleep when there is distractions in the room (ie Alex) and Alex frequently gets Anthony to do his dirty work. (ie to come tell mommy they want to sleep on the floor, or share a bed, or leave the light on, or turn the fan on)
Seriously, the last nap time, took 11 trips of Anthony coming to me mumbling Alex's orders until I finally got fed up enough to put Anthony in the crib that he can't climb out of, and to bring Alex downstairs.
Then Autumn, she's pretty good about going to sleep, but unfortunately the boys are pretty good about sneaking into my room to love on her, and somehow she is awake EVERYTIME they go in there! "No Mommy, she was already awake!" Mm-Hm, sure.
So I am resigned to battle these anti-nappers every day, just for their sake. Because honestly, for my sake, I'd let them go go go til the crashed where they stood. That makes for cranky kids, but either option makes for cranky Mommy. What is one to do?
Did I mention I really don't like nap time? Well, maybe when they are all asleep, yeah, I like that part. Check that, I LOVE that part! That may be the only reason I keep trying.

1 comment:

  1. I have no advice to give you. Well, maybe this: keep at it! Kids who nap regularly are happier, less whiny, more obedient, and more fun to be around. I didn't figure that out until after Lucy, and boy, has it made a huge difference in how much I enjoy my little kids. Maybe you could make a sticker chart or something...
